Monday, March 13, 2006


So I haven't auditioned for anything in about 8 months...remember... on hiatus.

So this national SAG commercial comes up, and I'm asked to audition for it.

I was already off of work that day to go out of town, and the audition was on my way out of town. I had no excuse to refuse.

So I audition.

I got a callback.

What the heck? I got a callback on my first audition in about 8 months! I don't remember what to do at a callback! Hmm.... oh well. Cool.

Monday, November 21, 2005

What's up?

So... yeah, I've been a little inactive There is a little bit of news... Nightlife is FINALLY done shooting!!! It looks like the guys at Damfino are doing a great job editing it so far. It was a lot of fun.

I also helped Jeffrey Travis (Dos Gringos Productions) with an industrial film he was working on teaching people how to interview for jobs. I was the bad example (haha!). It was a blast, and from learning what NOT to do, I ended up getting a temp job at Dell!

I'll been taking a bit of a hiatus from acting for a while. I've sort of lost my passion for acting and really the film industry in general this year. I'm not exactly sure why, but I just have no ambition for acting right now. It's strange. Instead, passions for some other things are beginning to develop. I'm still trying to figure everything out, and I'd appreciate your prayers as I sort through all of this. Knowing me, I'll probably be back to acting before you know it. We'll see. Until then, (if there is anyone even reading this) please do keep in touch and e-mail me. Cheers!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Gateway Productions

Today I helped Storme Woode, media director at Gateway Community Church, produce a short film that will be screened at Gateway this weekend in front of over 2000 people (service times: Sat 6pm; Sun 9:45am, 11:11am; 12:30pm). Storme recently won "Best Director", "Audience Favorite" and "Best use of Phrase" in the 2004 48 hr Film Festival for his short film "The Emissary". My friends Adam Creighton and Elizabeth Wheat helped us on the acting end of things and did a great job with it. The short is going along with the "Sex in the City" series that Gateway is talking about over the next few weeks.

We will be doing more shorts like this in the future. If you are an actor or crew that would like to work on one of these projects, e-mail me with your resume and headshot (if actor), and I'll pass your info along.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

"Out Whataburgered" Wins ADDY Award

I just received word that my "Out Whataburgered" commercial won an ADDY award last Friday! Go Whataburger!!!!

Friday, December 10, 2004

PPD Commercial

A little delayed notice here, but I booked a principal role in another commercial! This time it is for PPD (Pharmaceutical Product Development). They do research on experimental medications and such. It will be playing locally, but there is the possibility of it showing nationally depending upon whether or not they decide to use it in the other PPD markets.

It was a pretty challenging shoot just because I had to open the medicine cabinet and then shut it in 6 seconds EXACTLY, without anyone counting for me or anything. But the people working on it were very nice.

Hopefully looking forward to a work-filled 2005!!!

Happy Holidays!


PS - Please pray for Asia. How strange that on virtually the same day we accumulate so much, everything was taken away from millions on the other side of the world. Pray that we don't simply pray or feel sorry for them, but that we would be willing to make sacrifices ourselves if that is what we need to do.

Thursday, December 02, 2004



Just got word from my agent that I have been cast for a Ford Industrial film. What is awesome is that I didn’t even have to audition for it! They just cast me straight from my agent’s website. It is a SAG (Screen Actor’s Guild) project, which means that after this I will be eligible for the Screen Actor’s Guild. An actor basically has to be in SAG when they are trying to work in L.A., but in Texas it isn’t as necessary as it is a right to work state. Anyways, this is very cool! Merry Christmas Adam! Thanks God!

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

"Out Whataburgered" Featured on Agency Websites

Many thanks to Angelica (RTF student at University of Texas that I helped with a project) for pointing out that the Whataburger commercial is on the web and being featured at a couple advertising websites: and

You can also watch the video in the "Clips" page on my website:


Ford Industrial

Hey guys!

I have booked a Ford Industrial that will be shooting Dec 4th and 5th just outside of Austin! I know a lot of people in the cast (they booked everyone exclusively from Ciao! Talents' website!). I didn't even have to audition or anything! I'll take those anyday! Only thing is it's conflicting a little with the schedule for Nightlife, the feature mockumentary I'm working on. But those guys are willing to work with me on it, so that's really cool. Anyway, wish me luck!